:* Razz
I've been wanting to make a Pee Wee's playhouse miniature for some time now. I thought Jambi the Genie would be fun so I grabbed a chunk of clay and started molding! I still need to create his setting but hopefully in another week it will be complete and in my shop! Thank you for your visit! :* Razz
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I was up browsing online looking for new t-shirts to buy. I used to get great music/band shirts from AllPosters.com, but lame-o! There is nothing good there anymore. I'm not into this new music called Justin, RhiRhi or Katy. Blah! So, a shopping I went. I don't know how I ended up where I did, but I found this amazing fortune cookie coin purse! I think is a fantastic idea and want one! But then I remembered I need shirts. :0( Then me being a single *but not yet crazy* cat lady, I seen this neat idea, for my pretty princess, Oren Ishii! Oooh! I know she would hide out there all day and snooze! I also need slippers. I asked mom, (early Christmas notification), to get me a pair of those Amy Winehouse ballerina slippers because I simply wear the crap outta the ones I have already. I wear them all over! I have worn them up and down Vegas, to the beach, to markets, everywhere. Maybe that's why I'm single? Hmmm. Well I'll forever be alone if I had these slippers... And on that same page, I seen these convenient bad boys. Although I would have to practice my balance. Mine would be full of loose beads I drop while I sit at the computer. Ok, well, it's 6 am now. I'm still needing to kill time before the post office opens. Then I can get some sleep. I had a hard time getting to sleep yesterday, prolly was about 9am. I use Melatonin, but I forget sometimes.
Ok, Good night. Err, good morning! -Razz I like to share on Instagram, but I thought I would share here just for others who don't use the app on the smart phone.
I wanted to share how I created a skull flat back bead cabochon from a skull head. I purchased a skeleton at the Dollar Store. I took his head and sliced it down the middle with a razor blade. Usually I slice my finger, but luckily not this time! :0) I then stuffed the hollowed skull head with clay, so that when I create a mold, I won't have air inside and make an odd shape. Instead of using silicone to create a mold, I used my vacuum former. I created a plastic see-through mold, perfect to make a smooth skull head! The next day I popped out my skull head and added crystals over the eyes. I hate making bows, and dealing with ribbon. Nut Had to use some for her head onto these earrings! I really do love how they came out. I'm making a bunch now - and some are even for me to keep! :0) This is a really cute idea for a rind display case. Mine was inspired by this project a year ago. Easy and pretty!
Razz ace
Jewelry Designer
I create til my head crashes onto my pillow! Bird and cat lover, dreamer and loves books. I live in Central Valley, California. Archives
December 2013