I came home in the evening and had forgot all about that wasp incident. I get into fix a shower and notice the wasp on the bathroom floor, dead. What if I stepped on it?? I examined it, and before it was flushed into the toilet, I noticed how lovely it looked. She seemed to have beautiful almond shaped eyes, that looked half open. Well, I didn't want to flush her at all. I wanted to show off her beautiful colors, and give her a proper burial.
She was very soft, still very flimsy and delicate. I carefully put her onto a lid and let her sit over night.
I had a few dried flowers that I had saved for a few years. I being a craft hoarder, knew the day would come when I was going to use them. I lined the edge of the flowers with a light sprinkle of glitter.
The final resting place of the Wasp. :) Her beauty can always be admired.